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Take a break from the crowded, noisy man made jungle, the pace of modern life in the city, to retreat into Da Kuan Farm where nature will open her wide arms to embrace you. Come be a guest in Nature, as we all once were.
Welcome to Da Kuan Farm where you can experience life way up on the mountain. Morning calls from song birds echoing out into the valleys followed by a tranquil dusk with an evening symphony of insects ringing through the trees. The rays of the setting sun will color the clouds and peaks along the horizon. The scent of fresh flowers, ripe fruit, old woods, and rich earth carried along with the cool high altitude breezes. Star gazing right outside your balcony with warm wood floors under your feet.

Aboriginal hunting and gathering will bring traditional foods to your plate. The farm life yields peaches, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, persimmons, river trout and wild natural chicken. Join the Aboriginals as they make mochi, a traditional treat, for you.

As the seasons change, nature herself provides different experiences. Let the gentle winds in summer sweep your stress away, and don't forget to pick fresh peaches from our orchard and taste the sweet juice. Why not come and drink hot cocoa as you watch orange autumn leaves dance as they fall and collect between mossy stones. In winter deep breaths of crisp cool air will refresh and rejuvenate your senses, then come in for homemade soup to warm your soul. Spring sun showers will create a melody of pitter patter along the roof, and along the branches will be the colorful buds of leaves and flowers to come soon with vibrant blooming.

We offer quiet cypress log cabins for people seeking to trade the hectic everyday life for the peaceful solitude of nature at the Lala Mountain Nature Reserve which is only 5 kilometers away from our farm where you can find trees over 2,000 years old and wider than a house.

  • We welcome you as much as we welcome your pets—we have plenty of trails for you to enjoy a walk with your pet.
  • We serve vegetarian meals and offer barbeque services.
  • Please use this website to navigate throughout our site. And feel free to call us if you have any questions. Tel: 03-3912266 or 03-3912212
  • To help you plan your trip to Lala Mountain we provide handy map and information of the area and local activities for you to explore. You can contact us for a copy.

Thank you for visiting and we'll look forward to hosting you on your next Lala Mountain getaway.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir
